Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that uses hands on techniques to treat musculoskeletal conditions that often cause pain and discomfort. The Osteopathic approach recognises the important link between all structures of the body (the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, organs and connective tissue) and how they function together. Using skilled palpation, orthopaedic and neurological testing, Osteopaths are able to diagnose dysfunctions in the body causing pain and discomfort. Their main focus is to relieve these symptoms by restoring function and mobility to the whole person using ‘hands on’ techniques.

Techniques include specific massage, dry needling and stretching of the muscle and other soft tissue along with mobilisation and manipulation of specific joints or more subtle ‘indirect techniques’. As treatment is tailored to the needs of the individual Osteopaths can treat all ages from babies to the elderly and time is taken to educate the patient as to why their pain has occurred and how to prevent the injury or condition from reoccurring. 

Treatment may include exercises (mobilisations, stretches or strengthening), ergonomic advice, postural retraining, dietary advice and lifestyle changes to maximise recovery and overall health. 

If Osteopathy is not suitable for the patient a referral to a GP or another health professional will be given to ensure the patient receives the most appropriate care. Osteopaths are government registered primary health care practitioners with minimum five years university training.

To see if Osteopathy can help you, please get in touch:

02 4739 8827

Please note: If your preferred practitioner or appointment time is not available, call us and we will help you directly.



Our Osteopaths endeavor to find and treat the cause of every complaint rather than just treat the symptoms. This is different to many other forms of therapy that focus on alleviating the symptoms. By eliminating the cause of the complaint, re-occurrence is prevented. 

Our Osteopaths take the time to listen, assess and diagnose your problem. We help you to understand your condition and together with individualised hands on treatment involve you in your own tailored recovery plan to get back to health faster. Our Osteopaths have a strong focus on home rehabilitation to minimise reoccurrences and aim to equip you with tools and strategies to manage your symptoms and any future flare ups with confidence. 

So come and see us at our newly renovated, purpose built clinic. We want to empower you to look after your own health and promise that you will leave with a clearer understanding about your condition and with a clearer path towards achieving your health goals.